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Twenty years ago, technology was well established in government agencies, but the IT team itself was often disconnected from the agency mission. Today, much of the modernization that is being planned (or is already underway) in agencies revolves around IT because technology is extremely essential to how organizations operate. Technology is at the center of these efforts, but modernization isn’t focused on point solutions or upgrades.

In this eBook, we take a deep dive into a key part of agencies’ modernization initiatives – application rationalization. Government agencies are finding that application rationalization’s true value lies not in cost saving and identifying applications that can be retired, but in the data that a well-planned and executed application rationalization strategy produces. If application rationalization focuses on technology alone, it’s destined to be ineffective; the data is what brings the agency together and help chart a course for modernization.

Download your copy of How to Develop a Modernization Strategy Based on Data and Insight today and learn of a new way to think about application rationalization.

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