Webinar: 10 APIs & Dev Portal must-haves for a great Developer Experience:

Part 1 of the “Improving the API Developer Experience” Series

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It’s undeniable product functionality is important. However, far too often the API Developer Experience (DX) gets shoved down the priority list.

Way too few decision makers truly understand how critical DX is to the success of an organization’s API Platform adoption and to maintaining high customer satisfaction levels throughout the process.

In this webcast API Master Strategist, Brenton House, covers how to create a great API Developer Experience; including the importance of:

  1. Intuitive API Design
  2. Creating – and following – API Standards
  3. API Documentation (and what MUST be included!)

In short, you’ll leave this presentation knowing exactly what to prioritize to turn your organization’s community of developers/architects into API champions who not only love your products – but WANT to use them!