Your magic wand to unlock the power of digital transformation

Discover the root of the problem that has been holding back your company's digital development with a wave of a magic wand.

In today’s fast-paced world, digital transformation is a requirement for staying ahead of the competition. But without guidance and tools, it can be difficult to implement effectively. That’s where Process Mining comes in. It helps you analyze and improve your processes, streamline operations, reduce costs, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive growth.

During this webinar, together with industry expert Chris Ballingall from BT Group (British Telecom) we will share valuable insights on:

  • The importance of digital transformation and best practices
  • How Process Mining can be your magic wand to achieve successful digital transformation
  • Real-life examples of companies that have easily implemented digital transformation thanks to this “secret weapon”.

Chris Ballingall
Process Architecture Specialist, BT Group

For the last six years he has been involved in the design and rollout of BT’s process design standards, governance and tooling where he has implemented a comprehensive deployment of ARIS and accompanying notation standard BPMN2.

Dr. Julian Krumeich
ARIS Product Management

In his current role as Director Product Management ARIS at Software AG, Julian helps companies to achieve operational excellence by shaping the future of the ARIS Process Mining solution - the ideal tool for integrated process mining with business process management.

Raviteja Avvari
Product Manager Process Mining, Automation & Risk+Comp.

Product manager responsible for platform and visibility of ARIS Process Mining. He also takes care of gallery and technology partnerships. He is with ARIS since 6 years contributing in different capacities. In short, a strong advocate of process improvement for operational excellence.